He was then taken to a log cabin and locked up, well-secured as every one thought, but he got away and was afterwards caught at @Fagan's ranch on Horse Creek, on the old @Cheyenne road, and was then taken to @Yankton, @Dakota, where he was tried, sentenced, and hung. I remained around Deadwood locating claims, going from camp to camp until the spring of 1877, where, one morning, I saddled my horse and rode towards Crook City. I had gone about twelve miles from Deadwood, at the mouth of @Whitewood Creek, when I met the overland mail running from Cheyenne to Deadwood. The horses on a run, about two hundred yards from the station; upon looking closely I saw they were pursued by Indians. The horses ran to the barn as was their custom. As the horses stopped, I rode alongside of the coach and found the driver John @Slaughter, lying face downwards in the boot of the stage, he having been shot by the Indians. When the stage got to the station the Indians hid in the bushes. I immediately removed all baggage from the coach except the mail. I then took the driver's seat and with all haste drove to Deadwood, carrying the six passengers and the dead driver. I left Deadwood in the fall of 1877, and went to Bear @Butte Creek with the 7th @Cavalry. During the fall and winter we built Fort @Meade and the town of @Sturgis. In 1878, I left the command and went to Rapid City and put in the year prospecting.